That Which We Hate - Natalie flees the apartment, but further and more drastic changes ensue.

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That Which We Hate - Natalie flees the apartment, but further and more drastic changes ensue.

Parent Chapter

Her head was spinning, and her peripheral vision darkened and blurred. She couldn't be here, with this child, in this apartment ... ! She had to leave.

"Hey, Natalie, where are--"

But Natalie she was out the door and away.

Natalie took a sharp right and walked as fast as she could down road towards town, her flats clicking on the pavement and her heart pumping in her chest. At first she tried to run, but the totally alien sensation of her ass jiggling behind her was almost enough to start her crying. It was fine. Jessica was in good shape, but she had the pram and the baby to deal with, and Natalie had a good head start.

Still though: she had to get off the street if she wanted to get away. To her left, was an antique store: dimly lit with lots of cover. Further along was a quiet little pub, then a cafe, and across the road was a department store.

  1. Natalie ducks into the antique store.
  2. Natalie hides in to the pub.
  3. Natalie goes to the cafe.
  4. Natalie heads to the department store.
  5. Something else.
  6. Something else.

Page created by: mules on 2020-12-16 10:03:41.

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